Engagement Request

A unique ministry, we carry the Apostolic and Prophetic anointings that usehers in an an unprecedented Presence's of God and Revival. 
CALL CARMEN AT (214)868-1650 TO INVITE US TO YOUR MEETING! I PROMISE TO RETURN YOUR CALL. (Our fees for ministry are free will offerings).
Invite us to your church to present a one of our transforming Holy Spirit Encounters. We provide a very versatile array of comprehensive ministry for any type of conference such as:
The following are just brief descriptions of the material we offer. However we always yeild to the flow of the Holy Spirit.
*Breaking the Cycle of Captivity
 A conference on how to identify causes and of cycles that inhibit you, keep you stuck and recyling old pain.  What you fail to deal with or remember you repeat. How to break those cycles and go through to overcoming. Focuses on the 8 developmental stages that correspond with the 8 Beattitudes.
*Ashes to Excellence
Heal from depression, ptsd, and trauma of sexual abuse to experience God's peace.
Identify roots of emotional baggage and learn keys to jettison all bondage out of your life.
*Created To Soar
You were created to soar. Learn the stages of spiritual Development and soar into a healthy spirituallty.
*Designed With God's Destiny in Mind
The blueprint of God's greatness is in you.  The seeds of His Divine DNA is within you.  Learn to identify the things that hold you back from discovering your purpose. 
*Intimate Moments with the Divine Shepherd
Developing intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  A journey to wholeness.
*Don't Slip on the Anointing
Many leaders fall because they never identify or deal with their issues. Learn about the anointing and keys to overcoming so you can be an effective minister.
For bookings call us @ (214)868-1650 or email us at vanquishedfoes@aol.com

*for details of these ministry offerings see menu and go to Seminars and Conferences,

Due to high volume of emails, please understand it may take us a while to get back to you.
or write us at 12740 Cedar Hollow Dr. Keller, Texas, 76244 or Call us at (214)868-1650.  Thank you and God bless you!

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