About Us

We have ministered nationally, and abroard.
WE ARE UNIQUE because  as ordained ministers
 with  AN EXPERTISE with THE WORD OF GOD AND THE FIELD OF MENTAL HEALTH, every principle taught and preached is Biblically based!  With sharp discernment >>>
are very strong, powerful women of God who live lives of prayer, holiness, purity, wholeness, integrity and wisdom that were developed within them as  the Lord trained them through deep trails by fire. Their lives are without compromise. Their teachings are deep and rich. They have a deep solid faith and ever since their initial experiences of being born again and spirit-filled their hearts have remained on fire for their Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. They exhibit a "pit-bull tenacity" of holding onto God's truths no matter what price they have had to pay. "God is always faithful. He wants all people to know He can be trusted to fulfill His Word. He is the Only One, True, Good God who longs for His children to experience His love, power and victory."   WE KNOW THAT GOD GIVES HOPE TO ALL! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM. 


"Our goal is to help you reach the full measure of Christ (Eph. 4:11)." For over thirty years, as preachers, teachers, intercessors, warriors, deliverance ministers and counselors, they have desired to facilitate healing, restoration, and transformation. "It is possible for God's people to walk in the fullness of their destinies and His Glory (Heb.2:4;6:1).

God has deposited in them keys, and equipped them with tools for spiritual warfare, as well as, the anointing to discern. These gifts serve to reveal and unlock cycles of captivity and set the captives free.   "THAT WHICH KEEPS PEOPLE BOUND IS WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW AND CAN'T SEE FOR THEMSELVES."  ONE KEY IS YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOU NEED HELP.   GOD WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY PERSON'S FREE WILL.


Carmen and Nancy have an acute hunger for the authentic, consuming fire of God's glory. Through God birthed revelations in the Word and through their life experiences, He revealed to them that>
OFTEN deep in the soul of individuals are hidden  roots that prevent them from experiencing God's love, power, and blessings. Trauma causes A spiritual coma. MANY HAVE EXPERIENCED TRAUMA AND DO NOT ADDRESS THEIR WOUNDEDNESS.  THIS CAN BE A PITFALL. One only needs to look at the fall of recent leaders to see the evidence of this.


Authentic peace, intimacy, power and fullness often cannot manifest until the fragmented soul experiences true healing, then full purpose and destiny can manifest. No true believer is exempt from this refining process. The Cross cannot be by-passed. Many Christians believe they are healed and whole, all the while, they are unaware of hidden roots of destruction that can cause cycles of sabotage and prevent them from experiencing total victory (Isaiah 42:22).

Nancy and Carmen have a desire to see God's people walk in victory by imparting greater in-depth training, revelation and understanding of: the Word, the nature of the Trinity, the process, the journey of sanctification, warfare, effects of trauma, wounding, and helping believers become rooted and grounded in the Father's love and in the Word( Eph. 4). They present the Word of God with a refreshing approach and a clarity that renders results. Completely open to the Holy Spirit, their meetings are characterized with the presence of God, which often manifest tangibly. Those who attend, experience His love, glory and intimacy. "It's encountering God that transforms the heart."  They move in the gifts of words of knowledge and discerning of spirits, with signs and wonders that follow. They seek to filter everything through God's wisdom.

As seasoned warriors, they have pursued living holy crucified lives. Deeply in love with the Lord, and desperate for Him, they surrendered to Holy Spirit to purify their hearts. They have experienced His process of deliverance, exposing and purging things out of their souls so that nothing would stand in the way of true oneness with Him. They experientially understand the process.

Their journies' of brokenness, has given them deep love and compassion for His people.
Ordained ministers

They have ministered together since 1985 to thousands of individuals. They co-hosted a daily, one hour, live call-in radio program "Insights for Life" on WSHO and WBSM, FM, from the campus of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. They recently taught at a well known school of ministry, as well as, having taught Sunday School and conducted weekly Monday night meetings ministering to congregants, through their course "Breaking the Cycle of Captivity" and "Ashes to Excellence" for two years at a highly esteemed church in north Texas; featured on Christian TV programs, have ministered to and along with God's generals, have presented numerous seminars, conferences, retreats, independently and those sponsored in various churches, as well as, one on one and group counseling; co-led intercessory prayer groups in Louisiana and Texas; Co-pastored a home church in Louisiana; Their training and length of time in ministry has caused them to be deemed experts in the fields of sexual abuse, PTSD, and on women's issues. They walk and minister through a unique apostolic and prophetic anointing. Prior to entering into full time ministry, Nancy and Carmen worked in the marketplace. Both are happily married. Their husbands totally support their ministry. Each couple has grown children and grandchildren.


Rev. Carmen E. Burnham, MSW: Carmen has known and loved the Lord since age 6. Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1974, her experience was dramatic and powerful. He truly delivered her from the pit to the palace! Born into poverty, abused and abandoned by her father at age 4, God brought her through to experience His prosperous blessings.  In 1980, she prayed, "God take me into the depths of you." He answered her by leading her to work for a noted Christian Counseling Ministry for 10 years. She worked in the then, pioneering field of inner healing, deliverance and mental health. At that time, the Lord shocked her by confronting her with her own need for deliverance and inner healing. He brought her through her own personal journey into wholeness. What God revealed to her was priceless and life changing. She knows first hand that many of His children are wounded and held unknowingly in bondage by the enemy.  She longs for them to know God's love and wholeness.  Burdened for the wounded, she answered the Lord's call in 1980.

  • Ordained Minister
  • Life Coach/Mentor
  • TV and radio co-host
  • CEO Life Enhancers, Inc.
  • Youth Leader, A.G. Church, Texas
  • YMCA Mentor Parent Aide Program
  • Teacher Christian Education
  • Group particpent for leaders in Healing Ministry, England
  • Wrote, designed The Christian Encourager Newsletter.
  • Religion and Psychiatry Award, River Oaks Hospital
  • Board Certified Social Worker, 1992-2000
  • Board certified to supervise other social workers
  • Bachelor of Science/Clinical Counseling, Holy Cross College
  • Graduate Degree Clinical Social Work, Tulane University Graduate School of Social Work
Rev. Nancy Cuccia, MSW, Born again in 1976, Nancy had a profound encounter with the Lord. Experiencing God's power, led her to want to share it with others. Therefore, she helped establish the first Aglow Organization in New Orleans. As a powerful preacher and warrior, she was promoted to a training position on the first area board in Louisiana. Nancy traveled and preached through out the states prophesying and ministering to countless women. Her many experiences caused her to see the wounding in the people with whom she had contact both in her church and through Aglow. Nancy was on her way to the top in that organization, when, in the 80's God beckoned her to lay down a bright future in Aglow and embark on a ministry of counseling. She faithfully obeyed. She too, entered her own quest for wholeness with the Lord.

  • Ordained Minister
  • Life Coach/Mentor
  • Berean Bible College
  • Taught youth bible studies,
  • AG youth Leader
  • TV/radio appearances and co-host
  • Instrumental in forming first Woman's Aglow in New Orleans, LA.
  • Helped form and serve on Aglow's first Area Board in LA.
  • Traveled and ministered with Aglow nationally
  • Received Assembly of God licensure as minister N.O.LA
  • Board Certified Social Worker 1992-2000.
  • Bachelor of Science Degree/Clinical Counseling, Holy Cross College
  • Graduate Degree, Clinical Social Work, Tulane University Graduate School of Social Work  
In 1999, we felt the Lord was leading us to move the ministry to Texas.  God sent us here and we love being Texans. Our husbands have been our most avid supporters and believe that God ordained our ministry from the very beginning.  They have accompanied us and even ministered with us through the years.     
Ronnie and Nancy Cuccia  met as childhood sweethearts and have been married for almost 42 years. Just in talking with  Ronnie you will learn he is one of Nancy's biggest fan's.  Upon moving to Texas in 2000, Ronnie retired from his family owned retail grocery business in Louisiana.   
Carmen and Cliff Burnham  have been married for 33 years. Cliff was raised in West Texas until age 15, then his family moved to Louisiana. He served as a marine for four years and is a 26 year veteran New Orleans police officer.  Cliff moved to Texas in Dec. 2000 upon being hired by Benny Hinn Ministries and worked there until Dec. 20007.  Both men are devoted husbands, fathers and now their chief joy is spoiling their grandchildren.

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